The German Folklore Map showcases the locations of the various legends I have translated, as well as links to both my translations and the original German source material.
Since I primarily use 19th century German-language folklore collections as sources, this includes many legends from places outside of modern-day Germany. Beyond Austria and the German-speaking regions of Switzerland, these are:
- The Alsace, now in France, which long had a large German-speaking population.
- Ethnic Germans living in the territories of the modern-day Czech Republic (the Sudeten Germans) and Poland. Most of these were expulsed after WWII as a direct consequence of the many atrocities the Third Reich committed against the Polish and Czech people during World War 2.
Included in the book Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles Vol. 1 – Lurkers at the Threshold. Public translation on Patreon
Included in the book Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles Vol. 1 – Lurkers at the Threshold. Subscriber-only translation on Patreon
Included in the upcoming book Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles Vol. 2 – Old Goatfoot. Public translation on Patreon
Included in the upcoming book Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles Vol. 2 – Old Goatfoot. Subscriber-only translation on Patreon
Included in Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles – Commentaries on German Folklore. Public translation on Patreon
Included in Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles – Commentaries on German Folklore. Subscriber-only translation on Patreon
Public translation on Patreon
Subscriber-only translation on Patreon
Other Folkloric Maps
- A Map of Myth, Legend & Folklore: Legends in England.
- Fionn Folklore Database: A map of tales about the hero Fionn mac Cumhaill and his warrior band, the Fianna.
- HidDenmark: A map of “strange places” in Denmark, including many involving legends and folklore.
- Mapping the Grim: A map of “black shucks” and similar folkloric dogs, primarily from the British Isles.
- Mythical Beasts Maps: A collection of hand-drawn folkloric maps of supernatural creatures in various regions.
- Sagnagrunnur: A map with the legends of Iceland. Alas, the entire site is only available in Icelandic.
- The Map of Nordic Legends: In Swedish.
- Mythical Beasts of Germany: long-time readers of my work might spot some familiar faces on this one!
- ISEBEL – Intelligent Search Engine for Belief Legends
- Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources